Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Rinteresting From Uncle Bob

"Penguins are usually found in Catholic Schools. Early on they would make a habit of dressing in black with white trim. If you were a wise guy, they would beat you with a ruler or toss an eraser. Even though food chick dresses in black often, I doubt she is a penguin. I think she is more like a mute cow. She is very flatulent but she does not moo (often)."

Foodchik say it true about the penguins especially the beatings wif a ruler, her said her got them in college even. Them penguins sound mean like snakes to me. Foodchik not so flatulent as her used to be, me fink it's all the green and red shit her drinks.


Fireblossom said...

Deer Sharkbutt,

me woorried!!!! we are black n white....does that meen that we will gro up to be mean-assed penguins????????????????

yor frend,


PS--me not even Cat Lick, but foodchick was!

Evelyn said...

ha!!!!!!!! CatLick!!!!!!!!

Sharkbutt! you said shit!

I only let Linus swear on Saturdays and his birfday.
