Saturday, February 28, 2009

This are very smartness

FROM BOSCO my frend:> My foodchick hates golp. She say golpers are worser than jehoba's witneshes.

Nebber ashk to go out, (if you a dog), wen foodchick in kitchen, cos den der mite be PIZZA! and me noe want to mish PIZZA! Me wait to ashk wen foodchik all under blanket and still on couch or bedd. Wen her eyeballs almosht closed, den me noe der no PIZZA! comink and ish safe to ashk to go out. Rite now rite now, me got to go!!!!Hahahahaha! Me lern the bad werds then hehe

Me lernt bad werds too when me nose sneezed on foodchik pizza. hahahaha.

Fren Bosco this one for you

No what me lernt? Me fren Bosco keep telling me about pizzas and foodchik finally buyed us a pizzas the other night. Me tried some of it cheesy reliciousness, and it made my mouf so happy that me nose sneezed. Then me got to have all of the pizza and did not have to share it wif foodchik.

Bosco me no'd that you needed to no this soonliest much. have a happy day your friend, sharkbutt

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fings cats and dogs know about foodchiks and fooddudes

1) Them fink them no how to spellp everything right, and everyfing is only spellt one way.

2) Them smelp like burning mulch but taste like chickens.

3) Them no have mutch fur because them no groom properly.

4) Them good at using them thums to catch foods.

5) Me fink this this funniest fing about them them make tv to watch pets and ranimals do stuff. And sombuddy are paying peeples to play golfs on tv and them watch that. first time me seent that me peed on food chik head a little bit from laffing.

Anybody have any more?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

From fren Bosco

Hi Sharkbutt! How you teef? Me teef great!

Me foodchick off for too weeks, and me making her frow my toy ALL the time. Her arm mite fall off.

Me no have ever eaten a cat head. It sounds frow uppy. Queen Molly did catch a tree rat once.

Please dont let anyone eet yor head. You my frend.

yor frend,


Hi Bosco,
Me teef great fanks and me glad you teef great.

That cool you foodchik off for too weeks. If me foodchik was off for too weeks we might get some heats. (hope do sprink eternal). Me happy you foodchik frowing your toy for you. Mine would frow it at me but her a not good frower recept maybe for up.

Me donut fink eating a cat head would be good, it would be frowuppy, them are teef in it. me no fink teef would be easy to digest since teef are so strongness and stuff.

Me not gonna let anybuddy eet me head, me barely even let anyone lick it.

So fren Bosco, what do you know about this snow stuff? Me have seent it. But me never smelped it. What it like?

have a happy day,
your friend,

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Her moo!

There are some cat that come around here and smelp my windows. Big Stripey wants to go outside and eat him. Me say big Stripey if you eat him you will frow up, him wearing even more fur for a furball than you do. him said sharkbutt me know you right but me still want to eat him. Maybe me could just eat him head.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Me tell you what me not remused by

somebuddy sent her boxes of noranges, did me mention me hate citrisk fruik? onliesnt fruik me like is blueberries. her is eating all kind of noranges and me refraid them going to make her farts. much worse than mooing.

Delishous gloriousk heat

me love heat. her must not no the fixer dudes turned it up, shhhh, donut tell her. it be our secrets, ok?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Her Crazy nuts

You no me would rather walk on me lips than criticize the foodchik. But her had guys here who will be doing loudness soonliest to make the heat work again. (yes, me no it only work if her turn it on and her donut as a rule turn it on) after them camed and talked about money to her, her was grumbling and muttering cats! you going to have to wurk. Me do wurk. Do her fink grooming her not wurk? Me way 11 lbs and have plenty of me to lick her way ninety eleventeen and hundreds and are a giant, me don't wurk? Me will swat her in her pointy largeness head. Me tell you what, if me was paying munny to live here that heat would wurk, all the time. not just when her pretend to make it warm in here. Her are sooooo mooooey me could spit. Me gonna walk around here like her grummling to myself and muttering. wurk, i'll show her wurk her can groom her own big selfs. moooing cow.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oh Boy

Her braked the heat. Yes, me funny because her no really use the heat so to say her braked it is not right. But the heat man came out to do maintenance on the heat and him said to foodchik look at this crak by the burners. You cannot have this too long cuz your carbon reoxide will get too high and that are bad for you and the catz. Her said fank you for telling me and now some guys coming tomorrow to tell her how mutch new heat will be.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hey UB

Happy Birthday to you! You are many olds, but not as many as foodchik. hahahaha.

Her Back

and so me back, her turned the reputer back on. Me not remused wif her though, her bringed me a picture of fitch. What me going to do wif a picture of fitch? Her a crazy lunachick.