Saturday, February 28, 2009

This are very smartness

FROM BOSCO my frend:> My foodchick hates golp. She say golpers are worser than jehoba's witneshes.

Nebber ashk to go out, (if you a dog), wen foodchick in kitchen, cos den der mite be PIZZA! and me noe want to mish PIZZA! Me wait to ashk wen foodchik all under blanket and still on couch or bedd. Wen her eyeballs almosht closed, den me noe der no PIZZA! comink and ish safe to ashk to go out. Rite now rite now, me got to go!!!!Hahahahaha! Me lern the bad werds then hehe

Me lernt bad werds too when me nose sneezed on foodchik pizza. hahahaha.


Fireblossom said...

You’ve won the prestigious Scary Clown Award. Come see!

Shark Butt said...

ME happiness, fanks you! ShayBoscosFoodchik!!!! how you? how you teef? fanks you again! your fiend, sharkbutt