Sunday, February 22, 2009

From fren Bosco

Hi Sharkbutt! How you teef? Me teef great!

Me foodchick off for too weeks, and me making her frow my toy ALL the time. Her arm mite fall off.

Me no have ever eaten a cat head. It sounds frow uppy. Queen Molly did catch a tree rat once.

Please dont let anyone eet yor head. You my frend.

yor frend,


Hi Bosco,
Me teef great fanks and me glad you teef great.

That cool you foodchik off for too weeks. If me foodchik was off for too weeks we might get some heats. (hope do sprink eternal). Me happy you foodchik frowing your toy for you. Mine would frow it at me but her a not good frower recept maybe for up.

Me donut fink eating a cat head would be good, it would be frowuppy, them are teef in it. me no fink teef would be easy to digest since teef are so strongness and stuff.

Me not gonna let anybuddy eet me head, me barely even let anyone lick it.

So fren Bosco, what do you know about this snow stuff? Me have seent it. But me never smelped it. What it like?

have a happy day,
your friend,


Fireblossom said...

Shnow! Shnow ish like playink in a big white bed! But you can mess it up and foodchick no get all in a twist. You can even pee on it. Me love shnow cos me an Queen Molly love to play in it, but me way fashter than the Queen, so I always win! Hahahaha!

Shark Butt said...

Hey fren Bosco, what it smelp like? when you not pee in it, me mean.

Fireblossom said...

It smelp like nuffink. Smelp-wise, snoe ish berry disappointink.