Saturday, February 21, 2009

Her moo!

There are some cat that come around here and smelp my windows. Big Stripey wants to go outside and eat him. Me say big Stripey if you eat him you will frow up, him wearing even more fur for a furball than you do. him said sharkbutt me know you right but me still want to eat him. Maybe me could just eat him head.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt! How you teef? Me teef great!

Me foodchick off for too weeks, and me making her frow my toy ALL the time. Her arm mite fall off.

Me no have ever eaten a cat head. It sounds frow uppy. Queen Molly did catch a tree rat once.

Please dont let anyone eet yor head. You my frend.

yor frend,
