Saturday, August 17, 2013

Kittens?! Really right now?!

The last free or four days them come home smelping of kittens, almost like they want to turn catcatraz into a cat house.  Kittens?!?  I cannot imagine.  Big Stripey would eat them, hell, him still trying to figure out a way to maybe eat me and Puppy the Evil.   Puppy the Evil would just be f****ng meow all the time with the profanity and meow, even more than now.   And i donut know about medicine chik and the short and loud but food chik would be bithcing to high heavens the first time one of those slippery rat fink kittens hid in the frigerator or the oven, or on top of the clothes dryer.   Kittens?!?  this is crazy talk.