Monday, June 17, 2013

Did you know?

Foodchik can read, me hadn't knownt that but one day her was sitting around farting and scratching like her do too much.  And I noticed her was reading a book, it was skinny, and had lots of pictures in it.  So I said foodchik can you read me that story and her said yes and started reading it to me.  Which was nice because I didn't think she could do it.  So the story is about a Pigeon who has a list of things it likes.  Which made me start to think about things I like.  This pigeon likes cookies with nuts, I like muffins with blueberries.  And fitch, I donut no if the pigeon likes muffins with blueberries or fitch.  I will think about my list and write it down one of these days.  You should too.  And fings you happiness about.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


You know I was talking about cat jail the other day, that Puppy the Evil has to stay in to contain her evilness.      At night, the foodchik and the medicine chik with occasional help from the short and loud put me and Big Stripey in the cage for the whole night.   We are locked in and meow and meow and then donut ever let us out until after the dark time comes.  Then one of them snatches up Puppy the Evil and puts her in with pets and niceness and foods and have a nice day.    They put us in and its slam the door and some smart remark about donut let the door hit you in the tail.  Them cows and them noo.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

It Turning Into The Wild Wild West Here

I donut know who peed purple in their Cheerios but now we have a 3 story cat jail. Puppy the Evil thinks it's for me and big Stripey because we donut no how to act.  I think it's for her because she vomicks all of the time all over the house and is generally risgusting.  Stripe thinks it's for Puppy the Evil too, but says he thinks the foodchik and the medicine chik really want to be cats when they grow up but I don't see that happening mutch.

We Moving Here

In a few months when it's done we will move to here, the Medicine Chik and Food Chik call it Castle Fang, we never lived in a castle before, I think it will be fun.  Mostly because it will be mutch closer to where fitch live.  And everything just tastys better close to where fitch live.