Thursday, June 13, 2013

It Turning Into The Wild Wild West Here

I donut know who peed purple in their Cheerios but now we have a 3 story cat jail. Puppy the Evil thinks it's for me and big Stripey because we donut no how to act.  I think it's for her because she vomicks all of the time all over the house and is generally risgusting.  Stripe thinks it's for Puppy the Evil too, but says he thinks the foodchik and the medicine chik really want to be cats when they grow up but I don't see that happening mutch.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

My hoomin nebber put me in jail. She did wen i waz a puppee, but me haded it and she stopt. Why yor hoomin out you in jail?

yor pal,
