Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ok, Ok

Me will resplain why me call her mooey. If you look at cows and how them used, them are kind of large and slow, and not real smart. Like foodchik. Cats are quick, and smart and meowy, which are different from mooey. Do you runderstand now?

Why Them Blaming the Piggies?

Swine flu song

Me find it odd that them blame the piggies for the sneezey flus.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Now with the ice packs and the pizza and

the mooey. Her always wif the mooey. Her said me should resplain what me mean about her being mooey. Her say peeple might fink me trying to be rinsulting if me no resplain. Me are trying to be rinsulting but not mean like.

Fren bosco, this was fitchless pizza so it no recited me mutch. Me not mutch wif the tomatos.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fanks to YukiLeeLee

Me Glad Me Not a Poodle Dog

Me look at stuff like this and me shake me head. Foodchik a cow and her mooey but her do respect our dignity and runderstands that if this grooming ever went on, her would have to sleep wif one mooey eye open. There would be big trouble.


her all with the ice and the mooey and chickens. No fitch, just chickens. I donut no what else to say.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bosco you are a good fren

To give me kwestions to rite about.

Pengwings are weird! They r like snax excep they live in a big freezer and can't fly! Finally they get so cornfused that they think they is fitch themselfs and jump in the ocean to commit pengwing suicide. Weird, right??!

yor pal,


how you? How you teef? you rite, them pengwings are very weird and yes, them are very mutch like snax recept them run around and fall down, not too many snaks do that. that more like a food chik fing. And yeah, what wif the pengwing sewercide, foodchik remuse herself by saying sewercide wood smelp bad. me donut no what her mean wif her mooing odd selfs.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hi fren Bosco

Fanks, Sharkbutt! me new me cood ask you! At first I thot foodchik say aubreyhuff was an Oreo, but now I get it, he were a snak! And yes, some man wif billions of PIZZAs owns the baseball men here. Me fink he lib in a howze made entirely of PIZZA! Foodchick say, Bosco, I donut fink dats rite, but me not so shore.

Hi Bosco, the peeple who own the baseball team that foodchik likes maked their money in the ship business, ships go where fitch live so me wonder if maybe these guys have houses made out of fitch and how do we get there? Ha!

Fings Foodchiks and Fooddudes Donut No About Cats

1) We like it quiet, so shush your mouf. Walk quiet, talk quiet and be quiet and we will get along good.

2) If you take fitch oil for your heart give us some. If you donut take it for your heart, give us some.

3) Donut wonder what we finking, we finking about food.

4) If we headbutts you, we want pets. We donut want to be dressed up in close or a hat, or some kind of simple reincow antlers at chriksmas or nuffin. We want pets.

5) When we finking about food sometimes we finking about snaks on the hoof, mostly we finking about a whole fitch and how to get it to come to our houst.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Me Love a Kestion!!!

Me haff kestion. Me foodchick all happy cos our baseball men got an aubreyhuff. What is an aubreyhuff? Foodchick say our baseball men's bats are made of soggy noodelz. How can a bat be made of noodelz? I thot they live in caves and fly around at nite? Anyway, she seem to think an aubreyhuff will help. Me only watch the baseball cos they haff lots of PIZZA! ads and me are hoping her Foodchickness will order us one!

Hi Fren Bosco,
a aubreyhuff sound like a really rinteresting baseball man, him was a oriole which are a kind of snak, now him a tiger which are a kind of cat, like the anti-snak. (foodchik says her could be a good woman or her could be the anti-krisk - me fink that just mean her mooey, but we new that) so him really rinteresting, me donut fink him a bat or a soggy nooodel. but me fink him will help your baseball mens to do better battsing. Is not your team owned by the pizza domino dude? me fink you should get free pizzas for watching them soggy noodel stuff.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Him Smart

Hi fren Sharkbutt!! How u teefs? Me teef great fanks.

How come it say you r three in yor profile? Her no go chop chop greesed litening do she, wen it comes to updatink dat?

I think she no get more catlets, and eben if she doo, they wood not be you. Maybe u cood eben boss them around hahahaha! I just wurry that yor foodchick will bring home a whole iceberg full of pengwings and they will take over wif they flightless selfs. Dat not be good.

yor frend,


Hi fren Bosco, How you doin' fren? Me good.
And me teef grate fanks. It say me are free in my profile because foodchik are a little speshul. Her no chop chop greesed litening about nuffin unless there a bug running on her.

Me had talked to her and her said, Sharkbutt we not getting any new catlets you still the baby shark. And sharks eet pengwings so me not need to worry.

Have a happy day, and tell your foodchik, hello for us.
your friend, sharkbutt

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Me Are Going to be 5

And it scary for me, foodchik promisked me that her would not get any new cats until me is 5 and now me going to be 5 years old and me refraid that her will get another cat in here to compete wif me and the big cats and her large pengwing largeness for fitch.

Her will no that me are rupset and then her will say sharkbutt, you look recerned, what the matter? And me will tell her and her might tell me sharkbutt, it all right, me not getting renother catlet and her might tell me, sharkbutt haha, me getting two renother catlets.

Me will tell you what her say. Even though her moo!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Hmm, me fink him on to somping

You are not a pengwing cos you don't like it cold like a meat locker, like your foodchick does!

Maybe SHE a pengwing? With her ice bags n such?

Fren Bosco, you are brilliank. Her could be a pengwing, but her no have feathers. Maybe her like chi-wow-wows are for dogs - not haired up. Hmmm, me will definitely have to check into this. Her could definitely be somekind of oddness like dat.

It Back

it had went away on recation, now it back and it moo. It smelp like it been around a lot of kids. Hahahaha.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Me Are Not

A pengwing, big cats say me are! Me a cat!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sometime her Ok

When we was going to bed last night and her was all wif the fan and the ice and the cold and the mooey, her said, Sharkbutt you look distrubbed, what are the matter? And me said foodchik, you making this like a penguing refuge and me refraid them will move here and them will hog all of the fitch. Her said Sharkbutt me understand you are reserned but me not making a penguing refuge, me making a cat and foodchik refuge no penguings. Me said that good foodchik me relieveded. But how do we get some fitch? And her said Sharkbutt, big Stripey cannot have fitch recept every onst in a while as a treat so me no get it for any of ust even me. You know that me been eating the other white meet lately. and it true her no have fitch since the last time we had fitch for big Puppies birfday date. Then her reminded me, Sharkbutt your birfday is next and we will have fitch in a couple of weeks and maybe we could even scare up a skrimp or some crabbies.

Me do love my moooooey chik.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh Good We Back to Ice Packs

Me have told you about the ice befores, but me swear now it like her trying to make her own air crunditioning. Her have this fan that blow right on her large selfs when her resleep and now her mooing self have it on and ice packs on and her trying to make like where penguins live so that me can have what? more competitions for the fitch that we never have in this house. Yes me are cranky and me teef itch.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Thanks for clearing that up, lil Sharkbutt! :-)

Hi ShayBoscosFoodchik,
Me live for clarity. Ok, me lie, me live for fitch.

Foodchik suggested that me give some random free floating advice, so me will.

Donut pee on the relectric fence.

You also donut want to smoke in bed.

And please, tip your hardworking waiters and waitresses, me hear until Truesday, try the veal. (me want to say try the fitch but them are pushing the veals)