Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bosco you are a good fren

To give me kwestions to rite about.

Pengwings are weird! They r like snax excep they live in a big freezer and can't fly! Finally they get so cornfused that they think they is fitch themselfs and jump in the ocean to commit pengwing suicide. Weird, right??!

yor pal,


how you? How you teef? you rite, them pengwings are very weird and yes, them are very mutch like snax recept them run around and fall down, not too many snaks do that. that more like a food chik fing. And yeah, what wif the pengwing sewercide, foodchik remuse herself by saying sewercide wood smelp bad. me donut no what her mean wif her mooing odd selfs.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hiya Sharkbutt! No foodchick or foodude can smelp haff as well as we can. Dats a fack, jack!

yor fren,
