Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sometime her Ok

When we was going to bed last night and her was all wif the fan and the ice and the cold and the mooey, her said, Sharkbutt you look distrubbed, what are the matter? And me said foodchik, you making this like a penguing refuge and me refraid them will move here and them will hog all of the fitch. Her said Sharkbutt me understand you are reserned but me not making a penguing refuge, me making a cat and foodchik refuge no penguings. Me said that good foodchik me relieveded. But how do we get some fitch? And her said Sharkbutt, big Stripey cannot have fitch recept every onst in a while as a treat so me no get it for any of ust even me. You know that me been eating the other white meet lately. and it true her no have fitch since the last time we had fitch for big Puppies birfday date. Then her reminded me, Sharkbutt your birfday is next and we will have fitch in a couple of weeks and maybe we could even scare up a skrimp or some crabbies.

Me do love my moooooey chik.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Pengwings are weird! They r like snax excep they live in a big freezer and can't fly! Finally they get so cornfused that they think they is fitch themselfs and jump in the ocean to commit pengwing suicide. Weird, right??!

yor pal,
