Monday, November 11, 2013

Them Damn Kittens

Them sleep in a cage, the HERS call it kittencatraz.  Them think it funny.  Me not remused by mutch lately.  Just one problem.  Them tiny kittens can slip through some of the bars on the doors.  Them got out in the dark time and were hell until Medicinechik put on a hoodie and shoes and come down the stairs and lock them back up.

Them are HELL!!!!


The HERS (foodchik and medicine chik) have been talking about kittens for a while now.  And me were not remused.  And now the little turds are here and me are incensed.  All they are good for is scaring Puppy the Evil.
 Did I mention them stink?
 Then they will race around all batshit crazy.
 And get scared of their own tails.
 This one is named Spleen.  I don't know why them didn't name the grey and white one lung.

Big Stripey

Big Stripey was my best friend, and the best cat I knew.  Him died.  And it is sadliest most for me.  Bye Big Stripey, I miss your face.