Monday, June 17, 2013

Did you know?

Foodchik can read, me hadn't knownt that but one day her was sitting around farting and scratching like her do too much.  And I noticed her was reading a book, it was skinny, and had lots of pictures in it.  So I said foodchik can you read me that story and her said yes and started reading it to me.  Which was nice because I didn't think she could do it.  So the story is about a Pigeon who has a list of things it likes.  Which made me start to think about things I like.  This pigeon likes cookies with nuts, I like muffins with blueberries.  And fitch, I donut no if the pigeon likes muffins with blueberries or fitch.  I will think about my list and write it down one of these days.  You should too.  And fings you happiness about.


Dori said...

I like waves and coffee drinks.

Dori said...

I like waves and coffee drinks.