Monday, February 16, 2009

Her Crazy nuts

You no me would rather walk on me lips than criticize the foodchik. But her had guys here who will be doing loudness soonliest to make the heat work again. (yes, me no it only work if her turn it on and her donut as a rule turn it on) after them camed and talked about money to her, her was grumbling and muttering cats! you going to have to wurk. Me do wurk. Do her fink grooming her not wurk? Me way 11 lbs and have plenty of me to lick her way ninety eleventeen and hundreds and are a giant, me don't wurk? Me will swat her in her pointy largeness head. Me tell you what, if me was paying munny to live here that heat would wurk, all the time. not just when her pretend to make it warm in here. Her are sooooo mooooey me could spit. Me gonna walk around here like her grummling to myself and muttering. wurk, i'll show her wurk her can groom her own big selfs. moooing cow.


Fireblossom said...

Your forbearance is impressive, lil cutie Sharkbutt.

Bosco and Queen Molly say that even though I do turn on the heat, they still like to scrunch on either side of me at night, til I am like a mommy mummy under the covers and can't move at all. Them are remused by this.

Shark Butt said...

Fank you, ShayBoscosFoodchik, me fink so too. Me sleep on the chik, her are warm and stuff even tho her always have one hoof out from under the blankits.

Tell Bosco I said hi, how him teef? and queen Molly too. How you teef, ShayBoscosFoodchik?