Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ok, Ok, Already

Puppy the Evil standing on me neck while I do this. Her said I have to tell the story of how she got foodchik. Many years ago when foodchik was much younger and less mooier, her looked around her houst and said me really need a cat here to lively the place up. So her telled her friend C-zersfoodchikdonna, and c-zersfoodchik says, me got cat wif kittens living under me deck, we will find res-q's for the kittens and you take the mom cat. The mom cat was Puppy the Evil. So foodchik when to house of C-zersfoodchik donna, C-zer delocalized now, but him was the biggest dog ever, even bigger than foodchik and her huge. So foodchik and the other foodchik went under the deck to wrangle the catlets, they got Puppy the Evil first and put her in one giant sized crate and then put the little catlets in another giant sized crate. It took a while because them are simple (the foodchiks) and cats even catlets are smart. So P the E went home wif foodchik, and the catlets got them own foodchiks.

My story more rinteresting but Puppy the Evil has taken her hoof off me neck so me happy now.


Fireblossom said...

lol @ less mooier!

I am really enjoying all the stories about how all of us got together!

Evelyn said...


How good you teef?
Mine are great fangs!

Linus had a great mom cat. She had her catlets, then Peaches, my other kitty (who has since passed)was abandoned by her cat mom, so Linus's cat mom took her in. We got Linus and Peaches and then they had one little catlet, which is rare for cat moms. Anyway, we named her Cordelia. But we called her Donk-A-Doo.

Anyway, the point is getting together stories are always so good for the heart.

I love cats.
