Sunday, November 23, 2008

Coldy Coldness

Me not sure why it so cold in here. And her are sprinting around here in her sarong and a tshirt, and it coldy coldness. Me swear me see her breff. Me swear me see mine breff. Me would say her a cow and her moo, but cows wear more clothes me fink.


Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt! How you teef? My teef good.

Do cows drive ottermobiles? Cos me was in Foodchick's ottermobile on the way to the torcher chamber (she call it the vet) and anodder ottermobile acted stoopid and Foodchick goes, "silly cow!" So me wonder now if cows can drive. me thot maybe you wood noe.

yor frend,


Unknown said...

Hi Sharkbutt,

You and the other cats ought to rub sticks together to create a fire. You can ask for coal from Santa Claus, which can fuel your fire. Once one or two small fires are found by your foodchick, she may turn up the heat. Then again, maybe not.