Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yay! Fren Bosco

deer sharkbutt, once was a mummy, me saw wen my foodchik sleep in front of dishcovery channel, and this mummy, everybodee in aynchint egypt say hi there yur royal dryness cos the mummy hadent had nuffing to drink in like a billin years and so finally this toorist kid in a AC/DC tee shirt reached out and say wake up, ya old fart, and shake the mummy and its nose fall off. me hope you foodchick's nose dont fall off.

yor frend,


deer Bosco, how you? how you teef? me donut fink foodchik nosey could fall off, her breaked it enuf times that if it were going to fall off it would have already. her say and you dam cats will play hawkey wif it and get it lost under the stove. her funny.
have a happy day,
your fiend,

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