Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kestion From Me Friend Bosco

How shmart can pengwings be? They live in a place wer it ish freesink and stays dark for momfs. Plus, dey ish snaks but they donut fly.

yor frend,


PS--plus they no got teef!

Hi Bosco,
How you teef? How you foodchik? Me donut no how smart the pengwings can be, me used to fink them was smart because them lived where the fitch could be frozen wif out them trying. hahahaha.

Have a happy day, your friend, Sharkbutt

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

OOOOO! Maybe dat why they got no teef, they braked them off trying to eet frozen fitch!!!

Sharkbutt, you rilly anser GOOD!

yor frend,
