Saturday, November 8, 2008


Me no mind rain too much except it make the snaks stay home. Me like to watch the snaks romp and stomp. Foodchik won't let us out to play wif them or eat them and that are probably better but me would like to play wif them, not eat them so much.

It a quiet day here, me watching foodchik take a nap, her like Puppy the evil, her sleeps with one eye ball open. Puppy the evil say it cuz her all seeing and all knowing, foodchik say it cuz her had spraint her eyelid. Her odd.


Fireblossom said...

Deer Sharkbutt,

My foodchick who ish called Shay the foodchik, watches Dishcovery Channel and they say on there that dolfins also sleep with one eye open. Me wonder if this meens dolfins are boodists? Me know they not fitch, they are cetaceans, wich ish prolly just anodder werd for boodist. But me thot me ashk you. Also, ish Big Puppy a dolfin?

yor fren,


Shark Butt said...

Deer Bosco,
How you? How you teef? Me donut no if dolfinks are boodists or not me fink maybe them could be, if them wanted. Oh big puppy not a dolfin, her definitely a cat, dolfins no have claws and no rowwwwwww at you.

You ast good questions, me like that. have a happy day,
your friend,