Friday, November 7, 2008

Yay! Bosco!

Deer Sharkbutt,

me woorried!!!! we are black n white....does that meen that we will gro up to be mean-assed penguins????????????????

yor frend,


PS--me not even Cat Lick, but foodchick was!

Deer Bosco,
Hi friend, how you teef? We not penguins, this how me no, you a dog, me a cat, we got foodchiks, and we are hims and an we not mean asses. Foodchik telled me hims not penguins unless them are wearing drags. Me not quite runderstand what drags are, me fink it has sumping to do wif clothes which me no wear. maybe foodchik will resplain it again. Foodchik say me a good kind of cat lick (cuz me a cat and me lick meself, her fink her funny, her not) her used to be a cat lick. now we buddhists. So no worry, you not a penguing.
have a happy day,
your friend,

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Whew, me glad me no become a penquin. Fanks, Sharkbutt, you always anser kwestions real good!

yor frend,
