Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Harro sharkbutt,

It your friend yuki pappagorgio. How you teef? Mine good. Sorry you foodchicks teef not good.
I wonder why my foodchick judy go somewhere over two hours today. Her come back with puterguy minn and talkie bout llmam. Is he llama and new furry friend for me?

Your friend,

yuki pappagorgio

Hi yuki pappagorgio,
How you? My teef great fanks. how you?

My foodchik went out for a little while a few timeses today, her camed back wif a newspaper one time, and renother time her comed back wif stuff from costco. lots of lettuce, i donut no what that about. her odd. her was talking about the llama too, me donut know who that is, we donut have room for one. Her watching CNNN now that Wolf dude are odd.

Have a happy day,
your friend,


Fireblossom said...

Wolf dude look like he live in an old rotten log. Plus he always talking to a rexpert who looks like an old potato. My foodchick like Robin Meade better. She act all stupid when she on. Me wonder how she talk wif all that make up crammed on her face. But foodchick go all woozy and hyperventilate. She do that over Rachel Maddow too. Cept Rachel Maddow donut keep Revlon workers going around the clock.

Yor frend,


Shark Butt said...

Hi Bosco, How you? me fink the wolf dude look like him live under a bridge but yes, the rotten log is true too.
Me asked me foodchik about the tv hounds and her said her tactile and need to touch them to know if her like them. That can make her hyperventilate.

Have a happy day, your friend,