Friday, October 31, 2008

Yay A Question

Dear Sharkbutt,
Hi how you? how you teef? Me have a question for you. how do you pick the right fooddude or foodchik?


Deer Ethelbert,
How you? How you teef? Me teef good. That a excellent question and me talked to foodchik about it because her know stuff about how foodchiks think. When me was a kitten, me and my brothers were res-q'd, me fink that foodchik code for ooooooooooh, cute kittens, lets take care of them so they don't make more that will eat all the food. after e were res-q'd we went to antdoctorkellys office and we growed up there until we were old enough to not need bottles any more and big cats taught us how to use the box and eat and stuff. At the same time foodchik looked around her house and said me fink we need one more cat because it will be funner. So when you have res-q people who know foodchiks or fooddudes that need one more cat then you are in luck. Them come to meet you and you sniff them and if you like them and purr at them and they smelp ok, not mean, then you found you a foodchik or fooddude. Me remember that after foodchik met me and my brothers - my brothers already had fooddudes and chiks coming to get them. Her said to ant doctorkelly can I take him to go? And her said sure. And that my story about how I got this foodchik. Mostly it luck and somebody res-q-ing knowing good fooddudes and chiks.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt! How you teefs? My teef good.

One day me was in pets stor, and me had to share a liddle crappy cage wif anodder puppy and me stanked besides all that, me had been there for a while and nobodee buyed me. Then a lady camed in and she were looking for a dog wif polka dots cos a pschic foodchik had telled her that her favorite old dog Sundance was worried about a dog wif polka dots and that she shood look for that dog cos that was the dog for her.

Well, she seen me there in my crappy little cage wif me polka dotted legs and she say, let me plz see that puppy there, and they put me in a liddle room wif her and she liked me. She say to dem, give this here puppy a baff, cos he smelp bad, and then me gib you three hunerd n some dolla, and then me take this puppy home.

So they baffed me, and she carried me out to her car and we vrommed to foodchik's house! There were two odder dogs there, one called Queen Molly and the odder one called Alex. Alex were oldish, but Queen Molly and me liked to play, at least after i took a day or two to learn to how to run cos I had nebber been in wide open space before like in foodchik's yard!

My foodchik told me that me were speshul, she cood tell. Even though I piddled on the rug and chewed up some of her books cos me were small and dint know things yet. But now me a star and foodcchik love me more than anything or anybodee!
Me lub foodchick, too, especially wen she makes PIZZA! and gibs me some!

yor frend,
