Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Me Love Questions!

Hi Sharkbutt, how you teef?!? My teef good.

So, dooz this make your foodchik be like a snack, like the snacks that fly around outdoors?

Once, foodchick's old dog, Sundance, caught a hoppy snack. Me werent there but me heard the storee. Foodchick were horrified and say, why you kill tha Eester Bunny? Then she were sad cos Sundance had been so proud and bringed it to her as a giff, and foodchick loved Sundance the way she love me, which is to the moon n back. But she still felt bad for da Eester hoppy snack. Her hart is all mooshy goo.

Yor pal,


Hi Bosco, How you? me glad to hear your teef good. My teef good too.

That a rinteresting question, snaks are kind of like morsels, foodchik would feed lions for a week so her not quite a snak. Her more like a feast.

Me fink if we kilt the easter bunny guy foodchik would cry to, her hart is mooshy goo too. Recept for when her no have one. hahahahaha! Sometimes me call her the world's only living heart donor.

Have a happy day, your friend Sharkbutt

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