Friday, October 31, 2008

Her Fink Her Are Funny

Her not funny. Her are a cow and her do moo. Somebody ringed the doorbell, usually when somebody ring the doorbell it either the Blue chick or the Brown dude. Every onst in a while it someone from FedRex. But today it were little kids, me find little kids respicious, foodchik have no candy in the house so her gived kids granola bars and me fink tomatos. Her are not right in her head, who give someon tomatos. Me guess me should be glad they didn't give them any tuney fitch. But then her sneaked into the back yard so her no hear the door ring. And me can see her, her laughing herself sick.

1 comment:

Evelyn said...


How you teef? Mine rock!

Hey listen, Foodchik is right, Halloween is like condoned begging and teenagers just come to the door not even dressed up. Such crapola. I mean if you want to give out candy, go ahead, but I think its silly. Halloween is about scary stuff and spirits and demons and souls and monsters, not the newest Disney Princess costume and a sugar filled plastic pumpkin.


P.S.(Linus says how you teef? His are sore, but he said he is enjoying the tunee fitch juice I give him twice a week.)