Friday, October 10, 2008

Her Make Me Resane

in my brain. Her doing Aikido again. Me realize that it keep her off the street and so forth but me are utterly mystified at this whole business off ice in the bed. Her have baggies of ice on her front and back. Know how me find this out? Me hopped up to give her some licks on her head and tell her her bedtime story. Yes, her have a favorite, no me not telling you what it is. Anyway. Me hop up and to her chests, what me? cold iceness. It unnatural. Like freezing fitch. Her deranged and we going to have a talk.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

maybe yor foodchik tryink to cryogenically preserve herself so dat wen they find a cure for resaneness, she can be cured. Maybe?

yor frend,
