Saturday, September 15, 2007


Deer Sharkbutt,
How do you know if you have a good foodchik or one who is an evil minion?

Deer Tank,
Hi, how you? Me good. Me asked the big cats about the evil minion part, cuz me don't no what that is. And me asked them about the good foodchik too. Even though me know the answer to that one. A good foodchik (or fooddude) is nice to you, gives you water and food all the time, take you to the cat vet even though you no want to go, and make sure you ok. Puppy said a good foodchik is quick about the food and quick about fishing mess out of the cat box. Stripey said a good foodchik is everything me and Puppy said and them give you pets and tell you stories.

Me asked foodchik what is a evil minion, her said that a evil minion is just like a regular minion but evil. So them me said what is a minion, her said a minion is an assistant, me said foodchik give me a rexample please. Her said, ok, if you were a minion, you'd have a job say getting rid of mice or if some other strange cats were trying to break in here and make me be their foodchik, you would make friends with them on the down low to find out what they plotting and then tell me so we can vanquish their evil plan. Me say ok, and me tell the big cats. Them say, foodchik right. and really as long as foodchik do all the stuff we say good foodchik do, do we care if her a evil minion? no, we don't. but if you trying to figure out if your foodchik an evil minion. Then, ask youself 2 questions. Are her shifty and going about someone else's business? And are her evil?

Hope that helps,
have a happy day,
love, your friend,

Note from Sharkbutt's food chick: Right now I'm occupied as queen of Jupiter so no, I'm not a minion, I have minions. Just so we're clear.

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