Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Deer Sharkbutt,
Hi, How you? Me have a question, when me read the paper sometime them have a thing where foodchiks and fooddudes can teach them cats how to use the toilet. Me notice them have a DVD video thing in that. Do you learn stuff from DVD's? Me don't, usually me learn things by smelp. What you think of this learning to use the toilet business?
Thanks, your friend,

Deer EthelMertz,
Hi, how you? Me good, franks. I asked my foodchik about this, her say the video is for the food chik or fooddude, but we both fink if the foodchik needs a video about how to use the toilet the cat is probably the smartest being in the house. The way it work is that foodchik would set up a tray wif cat litter in it over the toilet seat. Then when the cat use it, the chik scoops it and after a while the tray goes away and the cat just goes in the bowl. Then food chik will flush.

Hope this help you,
Have a happy day,
love, your friend,


JAXTER said...

Hi Sharkbutt,

My cat Tobey was very interested in your advice on sleeping - so thanks. Also she said I should tell you that she lives with two big dogs and she pushes them around and plays with them now that they have learned, after a few swats, to be gentle.

thanks for the laughs - we are roaring here

Shark Butt said...

Hi Jaxter,
How you? Your cat Tobey sounds very wise. It's good to know that cats can teach dogs how to act gentle.