Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Perhaps me Have Mentioned that Her are simple

Cuz her are. Somehow, donut ask me her break her belt, and her pants not really fit without it. Her can be clever so her managed to keep her pants on wif her binder clip. But then that braked, when her were answering the door so the UPS dude seent her dainties. And good that her weared them today.


Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt,

Hoomins ish funnee cos dey got no fur they ware bags n stuff to hide they comical pink skin. They donut got tails eeder. How we gonna take dem serioushly?

yor frend,


Shark Butt said...

Hi BOsco, how you? how you teef? Me fink we only take hoominks serious cuz them have reposable thums and can open can o fitch.
have a happy day, your fiend, sharkbutt