Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Foodchik Says

there will be no monkeys flying out of her butt. Her said her was being facetious - that looks like some kinda word her just make up. Her do that a lot, make up words. Now me worried that monkeys will fly outta my butt, but foodchik said that her got me wormed when I was a kitten so not likely anything will fly out my butt.


Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt!! How u teef?

I no werdz. Wanna noe how??? My foodchik ish mental...she can stare at tha not-paying-attention-to-Bosco thingie for ages. Molly say deez fings called "books." So, my foodchik leff a not-paying-attention thingie on my bed dat i let her be on, and I eated it. Now i noe werdz cos she say dem to me when she come back. Her say,

" Bleep, xxxx,xxx xxxxxxxxxxx Bosco, xxx bleep xxxxxx."

I fink dis mean, "good boy Bosco." Anyway, you rite, faceshus aint a werd. Maybe her mean "free pizzas"!

yor frend


Shark Butt said...

Hi Bosco,
My teef great fanks. how you teefs?

That cool that you no words, you probably donut have to have your foodchik type for you do you? Me still do and her no can spell much, her no smell that good either, her brokeded her nose alot and it no work right all the time.

You eated a whole book? Wow, me chew plastic bags, but me never eated a book. My foodchik use them bleep kinda words too. Her call some peeple asshats. Me not sure what it means but her tone, not so nice.

Me didn't fink faceshus wasn't a word, you prolly right her mean free pizzas. Me not so much for pizzas, tomato sauce no agree wif me mutch. Me like blueberry muffins do you? And fitch.

have a happy day,