Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fings that might help you

when you foodchik or fooddude are distracted. Foodchik usually distracted so mostly when talking to her no work. You no, when them just say yes, sharkbutt, yes and stuff like that, me find licking her head helps mostly because it tickles. But then sometimes her have the black thing in her ear and her say her on goddamn fucking hold. Me fink that probably not so nice a fing to say, and me fink her don't like being on goddamn fucking hold. So we were looking on the reputer for ways to not spend so much time wif the black thing in her ear and we found this.

It can help you to get a live foodchik or fooddude on the phone. Sometimes when foodchik is too easily remused her will call the yogurt companies and ask if her can eat the July 07 yogurt still. Them will say hey lady, me not going to tell you you can eat yogurt that's almost a years old. So that my other tip, me no necessarily fink it a good idea to eat yogurt past it date, even though foodchik do. I can't tell if it make her simpler or not. Although her are kinda simple even on a good day.

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt! Itz Bosco. How you teef?

my foodchik does too things on da fone. Der ish long call, I get bord and say I GOTTA GO OUT I'M HUNGRY PET ME PLAY WIT ME. Den if she hang up, I lay down n go to sleep. Foodchik usually say "for chrissakes, Bosco" but i dunno y.

Odder kind of call ish short call wich meenz PIZZA! I love PIZZA! Wen foodchik hang up, I go to the windo n bark at anyfing dat moves cos anyone or anyfing mite bring PIZZA! Den foodchik usually say "for chrissake Bosco" but i dunno y, I trying to help.

Yor frend,
