Sunday, December 7, 2008

Her Not GOing to do this

at least not quick enough for me, so me well tell you 10 honest fings about foodchik. Not even going to include that her a cow and her moo.

1) Her have a lot of jobs. Queen of Jupiter, Evil Minion, Reiki teacher, and some more me forget.
2) Her come home smelping of dogs a lot but we no have one.
3) Her really bad at cooking, which are unusual for such a large person.
4) Her hardly ever answer the telephone and when her do her not always nice.
5) Her can hardly ever find the telephone.
6) Her smelp like limes and flowers and mulch.
7) Her no fings, about a lotta fings.
8) Her read good.
9) Her funny.
10) ok, me lied her a cow and her moo.


Fireblossom said...

LOL, you just couldn't help yourself, could you, cutie Sharkbutt??

Shark Butt said...

Nope didn't try. hehe