Monday, December 29, 2008

From Bosco the Bestest Dog Ever

Hi Sharkbutt! Itsh me, Bosco! How you teef? Me teef gud!

Me foodchick fink mouses scarey. Me think they funnee. Maybe yor mouse froze do deth cuz you foodchick keep it cold like ice. Or maybe yor mouse was a mouseketeer and died cos the stoopid hat ate its branes. or maybe Sarah Palin shooted it.

have a grest day!

yor frend,


Hi Bosco!, Me teef good too, fren, how you doing?
Me foodchik no find them too scariness, mostly them move fast and startle her and then her get twitchy. Her still fink we kilt it. I'm finking you right tho, it frozededed to deth cuz her keep it so cold in here. Either that or one day when foodchik had the heat her sooprised the moust to def. Me no fink Sarah Pale-end would last long in Jersey, her hairs would melt.

Have a happy day,
you fiend,


Fireblossom said...

LOL too funny.

Unknown said...


Does you foodchik's sink have one of those spray hoses? If she does, I bet you could turn it on and make it snow indoors!!!


Jannie Funster said...

i nu yoo wuod kome ober to sees me sumdae at my fren's site. and eben do yoo mite be too yung fer luffing me, i okay wit jus a frenship.

i libbing under a nise cozie roof in a warm blankit so i happie dis winner. da mise brings me food from in the house, i makes them or eslt dey will be trown out on dere azzes cause Jasmeene ist da boss!! (weenk, weenk.)