Monday, December 22, 2008

from Jasmeene da Skwirrle, her very niist

Bucktotts, my luff,

i waits for yu to gro upps.

I weesh on da moone and my secrit staarr unteel yu is growed upps.

ANd we runs offs intoo a sunsets togedder?

Jasmeene da skwirrle,

(happy in da daye caust yu was borned up)

Hi Jasmeene,
How you? How you teef? You might have to wait a long time for me to gro upps, me kinda short.

And me have to get back to you on running off into a sunsets together, me would miss foodchik and the big cats.

And really, we have somping to riscuss, if you looks in the mirror me fink you will that you eyes very prettiness and wide apart, and mines are in from of my face, from what me read this wideness you have mean you prey, and this frontness me have means me predator and so are the big cats. then we have my foodchik whose eyes so close together in frontness me fink them one on top of another. I donut fink it would be safe for you to hang out wif us but I still be your fren on the reputer.

have a happy day,
your friend,

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

hi Sharkbutt, itsh Bosco! How u teefs? Me teefs good.

Me fink Jasmeene real cute skwirrle, me wood like to herd her n stuff maybe there are herds of swirrles?

My foodchicks eyes are mostly closed when she are home lately which aint offen. resht of the time they are lookink at hoomin girlz on tv. She go "what a woman!" all da time, then she fall asreep and drool. She nutty.

yor frend,


PS--do foodchicks ever sreepwalk and go to tha fone and order PIZZA! wifout they know that they did? And then dogs can eet all the PIZZA! and foodchick not noe?