Monday, October 8, 2007

What are a Meme?

Ok, foodchik - said me need to do this so here it is.

1) What I was doing ten years ago: Me are 3.

2.) Five years ago: Me Still 3.

3) One year ago: Me live with foodchik and the old cats. Me eat, me sleep, me play, me got it good.

.4.) Yesterday: Foodchik camed home from r'Arizona.

.5.) 5 snacks I enjoy: Fitch, blueberry muffins, yogurt, ice cream and nip.

6.) 5 Things I would do if I suddenly had $100 million: pay mortgages for all the food chiks. buy food chik a new truck, buy ant doctor kelly a place for her to take care of cats.

7.) 5 locations I would like to run away to: Me look stupid to you or something? Why would I go?

5 bad habits I have: gas

5 things I like doing: eat, sleep, play, breathe, have nip.

10.) 5 TV shows I like: golf

11.) 5 things I hate doing: Me a cat, me don't do nuffing me hate.

12.) 5 Biggest joys of the moment: Food chik back, food chik back, food chik back,,,, yay!!! OH AND THIS IS WHERE HER WERE AT.

1 comment:

Stacy said...


That cat is sassy.

But that's not exactly a shocker.