Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Boy, me so not remused

Me know that foodchik is a massage therapu sometimes and her give a good massage. And me know that people get massages from her sometimes and me can smell them on her. Me no mind the peoples too much but me are really mad cuz her was petting some other catlet. Me can smelp that it's very young and her was petting it. Me her baby cat, damn it. (note from foodchik: my client has a 5 week old kitten, and she needed some reiki so I gave it to her, it's what I do. No affection there - ok, yeah right, it was an adorable kitten - teeny tiny)

So me mad. Me going to have to talk to food chik about this. (yes him will)

1 comment:

JAXTER said...

Hi Sharkbutt -

Izzy and Molly don't like it when I come home smelling like the enemy, I mean any other dog, either - so maybe you three should conference about the injustice of such ill mannered behaviors!