Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh no me being confusing again.


How you teef?
I think I need you to tell me this story again because Why is Stripey being so mean? Why does your butt taste like a snake?? And most scary, why does Foodchik know what your BUTT tastes like?!?!?
My teef are good, but Linus lost a front teef. He not remused, but seems to still eat and poo.
fangs for always answering questions.

Hi fren, Evelyn, Fangs to you for asking me questions. It too hard to be a cat and make all of this stuff up. Stripey not mean, him think him funny. Puppy, she mean. Me not sure why, me fink because her a cow and her moo. Foodchik knows a lot of stuff but her donut no what my butt tasty like. Big Puppy does because when me were a little cat her helped me with that. That waas before her turned mean like a snake. Me sorry to hear that Linus lost a front teef, him so not remused, I know. Glad him still eat and poo. Glad you teef good. That happy,
your fren,

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