Monday, September 19, 2011

It got worse

so yesterday Puppy got pizza stuff spilled on her, then big Stripey stomped on her and said look, I'm a bug and I'm tastying you wif my feet. She growled like her do (her growl like foodchik say moo) then she smacked him in the neck and stepped on him head and say you don't tasty like a bug you tasty like Sharkbutt's butt. Her mean like a snake, even foodchik thinks so.

1 comment:

Evelyn said...


How you teef?
I think I need you to tell me this story again because Why is Stripey being so mean? Why does your butt taste like a snake?? And most scary, why does Foodchik know what your BUTT tastes like?!?!?
My teef are good, but Linus lost a front teef. He not remused, but seems to still eat and poo.
fangs for always answering questions.