Sunday, September 25, 2011

Me Love questions!


How you teef? Mine rock!

Hey listen, Foodchik is right, Halloween is like condoned begging and teenagers just come to the door not even dressed up. Such crapola. I mean if you want to give out candy, go ahead, but I think its silly. Halloween is about scary stuff and spirits and demons and souls and monsters, not the newest Disney Princess costume and a sugar filled plastic pumpkin.


P.S.(Linus says how you teef? His are sore, but he said he is enjoying the tunee fitch juice I give him twice a week.)

Hi Fren Evelyn,
Me great fangs, me teef good too fangs. Where you get tuneefitchjuice to give to Linus from? Do you use a juicer?

Halloween is just weird, the last few years foodchik has been giving out prunes, you no them things that look like dog brains? She thinks she's funny. But she misses the prunes once her give them away with her odd mooey self.

Have a happy day, your fren, sharkbutt.

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Prunes are wicked gross.
She should try apricots.
Just saying...
