Thursday, May 21, 2009

From ShayBoscosFoodchik and Bosco

The stacked eyes are quite surreal, Lil Sharkbutt! Mwahs to you and your foodchick!

PS frum Bosco:

Hi itsh me Bosco! How u teefs? me sad cos me miss the Queen. She were always to be playink wif me even tho she were oldish.



Hi ShayBoscosFoodchik,
Stacked eyeballs make her look kinda like a fitch, that why me like her. Mwahs to you and you Bosco too.

Hi Bosco,
ME good, me teef good too. Me very sorry about you Queen fren, it very sadliest much. Foodchik play wif me even tho her oldish.

Do you do anyfing for the hollerday? We just hang out and wait for foodchik to holler at ust.

Have a happy day,
your friend,

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Hi fren Sharkbutt! Itsh me, Bosco! How u teef? Me foodchick no got to go to the salt mind today, she park her butt at home all day hooray! Then tomorrowness, she go wif odder foodchick and they are celeberating bof they barfdays.

Me foodchick made PIZZA! two daze ago, but was only Red Baron singles, so they werent muchness for me, but some. You wood love it here lately, she been making lots of fitch, she going to start growing scales and fins and swim down the drain. She always put this gunk called Retarded Sauce on her fitch, it is this goo with pickles and mayo and stuff, she say it go wif fitch, I dont noe, she dun share the fitch OR the Retarded Sause. Sharkbutt, why is hoomin beans so strange and do strange fings?