Monday, July 21, 2008

Her Make Me Wonder...

a lot. The other day her said Sharkbutt, let's talk. Me fink, uh oh. what her going to tell me? We getting another cat? And her said no, sharkbutt, I know you don't like it so much when I come home smeling of other animals and I know I'm going to come home smelling like dogs, maybe cats and a horse and maybe some other stuff I don't know about yet. Me said foodchik me reprreciate you telling me so me not surprised when you come home smelling like you petted every dog ever.

So her comes home and her smells like dogs - lot of them, and a horsebutt. (her call them horses, me call them horsebutts) So me said foodchik, how you like the horsebutt? and her say sharkbutt him was very nice but him kind of scary cuz him have a bad leg and can lose him balance, that why me went to see him to see if reiki will help him feel better. And me said foodchik, you fink it did? Her said her don't know, cuz her couldn't ask him. Me told her that reiki help everything. all the time.

Me donut know if her believe me.


Fireblossom said...

Hi Sharkbutt! Itsh me, Bosco! How you teef???

My sizter Molly was reeky once, and was cuz she had a bad toof, but once it came out, her breff weren't reeky no more.

yor frend,


Shark Butt said...

Hi Bosco, how you? how you teef?? Me teef good. How you foodchik?

Foodchik get reeky whenever here eet beanages which is almost all the time. It gets risgusting here. me glad we no have pilot lights or fings would resplode here. YUCKNESS!

have a happy day,