Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Me Love Questions

Dear Sharkbutt, How you? How you teef? Me have a question for you? How do you get your foodchik or fooddude to not cook stuff so much? Her cooks everything to death, and me like them a little closer to mooing - ha, like your foodchik? Fanks, Marvin

Deer Marvin, HI!!! HOW YOU? HOW YOU TEEF? HOW YOU FOODCHIK? still cooking like a nut, it sound like. Me donut no how you can get her to cook fings not so burnted. But when foodchik cook inside me will usually mess wif the timer so stuff no cook so long as her fink it will ha! Try that, your friend Sharkbutt


Fireblossom said...

oOo Sharkbutt, guess wot, cookink ish not always bad! Cos my foodchik made some sort of meatness tonight and there wuz gravyness left in the pan she burnt it in, and she gaved the pan to ME!!!! I had to eet it outside tho cos last time I carried it into the livink room and flipped it over on the carpet and her had kittens. Well, not real kittens.

yor frend,


Shark Butt said...

Hey Bosco,
How you and your teef?
The meatness with gravyness was good, me fink foodchik should learn how to make fitch wif gravy or meatness wif gravy.

It good that your foodchik not have any kittens, kittens have to have their butts licked when they poo it's risgusting. Me glad me not having any kittens.

Have a happy day,