Friday, July 4, 2008


Them are loud, me no like them. So me talked to foodchik about them and her said Sharkbutt, me runderstand you no like them, them are loud so me won't make you watch them, and you can just hide somewhere quiet if you like. Or you can watch them wif me. me will protek you and see if them at least rinteresting for you to watch. So me did, and me was sooprised that me liked them. Me glad foodchik protek me though, them still loudness.


Fireblossom said...

Will your foodchik protect me, too, lil Sharkbutt? I don't like them, they're loud like bombs, loud like relarms. I don't mind the municipal ones. It's the ones in the hands of local 15 yr old boys that drive me to the nuthouse. I'm glad you liked them. But I'm staying under the bed.


Shay Boscos Foodchik

Shark Butt said...

Hi ShayBoscosFoodchik, how you teef? Me donut no if her will protect you, because mostly her just be large and asleep. And her snorp and moo.