Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Me not sure what goes on in that head

but me pretty sure it not mutch. Ok first her fink her going to get us to use the toilet where her go. Her had got a fing that would make it easy for us to use it but her tend to overlook how mutch cats hate to drownd. And really it makes us laugh lots and lots and lots to watch her try and show us how to do it. But this not working so well recept for entertainment value.

So now her got these fings...Tidy Cat there one problem wif it, big Stripey no fit so him end up peeing on the floor, one time and then another time on her foot. That maked me laugh, me thought me would pee on her foot. Good her got them cheep from Ramazon, now her probably going to go back to teaching us how to use the toilet. It will be hilarious. Foodchik are resane.

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