Monday, March 31, 2008


are her posting on my blog? Anyway, you know how me was not speaking to foodchik yesterday because of the fitch thing. Well, her was supposed to be helping me wif my blogpost and Puppy frowed up on her. It was awesome foodchik yelled and was grabbing at her neck and yelled and cleaned it up. Me laugh, me laugh so much me fell off the couch.

So me went up to make sure her was ok, after her got out of the rainroom. Her said Sharkbutt, me noticed you were rupset wif me. Why you rupset? And me telled her. Her said Sharkbutt, me understand why you rupset and me no blame you but Ant Doctor Kelly say you cannot have people tunee fitch, otherwise me would make it for us all of the time. Me will ask her about crabbies and maybe we'll have some of that soon.

Me happy now, crabbies, even more better than tunee.

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