Saturday, March 8, 2008


Dear Sharkbutt, Hi, how you? How you teef? Do your foodchik listen to mewsic? What kind her like? Me food dude is listening to death metal all the time and me shopping for a new food chik or dude. Fanks, your friend, Mao

Deer Mao, Hi, me good, me teef great, fanks for asking. Food chik listen to music, kind of a lot. We not so much with the death metal here, sometimes it's the plinky, plinky massagy enya stuff (me hate it wif water noise in the background, always makes me need to pee) listen to a lot of reggae, me favorite. and all kind of stuff, me even like the rap that we listen to. Me don't fink me would like if her only listened to one kind of thing. And really, me not supposed to say it, but her dance around a lot. And if her can reach me or Stripey - Puppy won't have none of it, her will dance wif us too. That pretty fun it like rexercise.
Have a happy day,

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