Sunday, December 17, 2006

What It's Like

Dear Sharkbutt,
I'm not quite sure my foodchik is normal. What is yours like?
Your Friend,

Deer Caezerrrrr,
Hi, how you? Me good. My foodchik is nice, but goofy. Antgrandma says her are redanged. (tn - antgrandma is the mother of the foodchik and antgrandpa is her father, sharkbutt does not get the whole concept of ant and uncle, everyone is either ant or mister.) Sometime her just say good morning. Sometime her sing 'what's new pussycat?' at us. Me don't know what it's supposed to sound like. But me no think it's supposed to sound like dogys howling or the vacuum cleaner breaking. Sometimes her pretty quick to know that maybe it's food time or that me would like to play. Sometimes her roll around on the floor wif me and her rexercise wif me too. We do crunchy fings and me get to ride on her head. So me don't know if your foodchik is normal but this is what we do. If your foodchik is nice to you and makes sure you have clean food, water, box for poo and a place to sleep that the important thing. If her give you pets and play wif you that even better.
Have a happy day,
your friend,

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