Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Santy Claws

Deer sharkbutt, we are catlets and we keep hearing from our foodchik about this Santy Claws guy. What is his story and do we get fitch?
Your friends, Moose and Liger

Deer Moose and Liger,
Hi, how you? Me good. Santy Claws comes in the winter, after the solstice thing, before the new years in him sleigh full of fitch and nip. Him sleigh is pulled by 15 flamingos in red leopard print santy claws hats. If you are good catlets, him will bring you fitch, nip and toys. if you bad, him bring you dogs and mulch.

have a happy day,
your friend,

1 comment:

Dori said...

Lego Dude says, "That's really, really, really funny. Tell Sharkbutt that Santa Claus's sleigh is not pulled by 15 flamingos and he doesn't just bring fitch, catnip and toys. He brings toys for the children, most of all, but brings some things to the cats."