Sunday, December 27, 2009


Happy Chriskmisk and stuff.

Me got some emails to answer but me going to space them out some else me have no kwestions to anser.

Deer Sharkbutt,
How you? How you teeth? I heard that foodchicks and fooddudes taste things with their feet. Is this true?
Your friend,

Deer Fren Clydini,
how you and your teef? Me good and me teef great. Me did not fink that foodchiks and fooddudes tasty stuff wif them feet. So me ast foodchik, though me donut no why me bothered to ask her, her not even seent her feet in years. Foodchik say no sharkbutt, foodchiks and dudes donut tasty stuff wif them feet, me fink you talking about bees or mosquitos.

So that the answer,
have a happy day,
your fren, sharkbutt

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Maybe them food taste like feet when it donut be fitch?