Monday, October 5, 2009

Yay Fren Bosco

Hi fren Sharkbutt! Me hopes you teefs are good.

Me fink we cood open a skool for hoomins and call it Sharkbutt and Bosco's Proper Spelping Skool. We cood teech hoomins how to spelp things without so much moo.

My foodchick made PIZZA! the other nite, but it waz Stoffers PIZZA! and it no had enuf crust and was liddle. I barely got enny. She also made chickin the nex nite but donut gimme that eether. I think if she cood spelp better she wood not be so meen sometimes. Wat do you think?

Hi Fren Bosco!!
Me teefs great, how you teef?

You no, we could open a skool for the mooey ones, and we can call it what you say or we could call it Bosco and Sharkbutt teach you how to be less mooey and more better.

Foodchik no made pizza or fitch here. Her trying to be vegetablarian again. Me fink that means her trying to heat up the houst by farting. Her have tried that before but smelps not the same as actual heats. I donut no what would make your foodchik not be so mean, but me no from me foodchik that if her eats too mutch chickens her start to get feathers and itchy. Her odd though and me fink if you just talk to your foodchik and say, foodchik, you look resturbed, what up? her might tell you and then give you pizza for being so niiiist. But helping the spelping might help the mean too, me just donut no.

Me have a question for you, why them wear de-oderant? them should wear odorant so them can smelp each other and no more stuff about each other. what you fink?

have a happy day,
your friend,

1 more question - do you have a middle rinitial? foodchik do hers is H. me do too, it is J. what yours?

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Mine is B cos Mom call me "Bosco B." sometimes. Hers is S for Shay but her name is Mom.

yor pal,
