Sunday, October 18, 2009

Me Love A Kwestion

Hi fren Sharkbutt, it's me, fren Bosco! How you teef? Me teefs good!

Me thinked you mite want to noe somethink. Me foodchick has picked up habit of saying "donut" a lot, insted of the hoomin mistake word "don't." I think it's becuz of us! So, me have kwestion. How me make her start saying, "Bosco, me donut noe why me nebber ordered you yor own PIZZA! before. let me go do that rite now" ?

Hi fren, Bosco! Me teef great fanks. How you teef?

Me glad you foodchik getting ready to talk rite. Foodchik doesn't remember the rite way to say stuff is donut. Making her start saying "Bosco, me donut noe why me nebber odered you yor own PIZZA, let me go do that." seems like it will be tricky so me ast big Puppy cuz her tricky and mean like a snake. Her said you got to go get a lime and put your idears under the lime when here asleep. Me really fink her donut no and is making it up someping to do with subliminals which me really think is limes in the bottom of urinals. But that what her say. Me say you should try this, when her sleeping, whipser in her hears bosco needs him own pizza, bosco needs him own pizza over again until you fall asleep. It might take a couple of nights, but you try dat.
Have a happy day your fren sharkbutt

1 comment:

Fireblossom said...

Me tried this. She thot I needed to go out. *sigh*